Download your copy of the Prosecutor’s Guide
As a prosecutor, the demands placed on you are rising every day. But while demands are growing, your staff and resources aren’t. Do these problems sound familiar to you?
- Evidence from law enforcement agencies is arriving in too many ways – CDs, DVDs, thumb drives, digital systems – bogging down your intake process
- Too much time is wasted collecting and requesting evidence, downloading and uploading data, manually scanning case files
- Not knowing when new evidence if available – constantly checking and re-checking to ensure you have complete evidence
- Lacking tools to readily play videos and redact documents
- Spending too much time making physical copies of evidence for defense
- Growing discovery backlogs – struggling to meet strict disclosure deadlines
Looking for a better way?
Download the complimentary Prosecutor’s Guide: 7 Ways Digital Transformation is Streamlining the Justice Process from Crime to Court.
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