Stop Money Mules at the Front Door


Jane Cummins
Head of Strategy & Change, Direct Service, AIB


Jane Cummins
Head of Strategy & Change, Direct Service, AIB


Jane Cummins
Head of Strategy & Change, Direct Service, AIB


Jane Cummins
Head of Strategy & Change, Direct Service, AIB

Research shows 59% of new account and authorized push payment fraud (APP) involves mules, and they’re hard to catch. Why? Because it’s easy for money mule transactions to slip through traditional payment monitoring methods. With forthcoming implementation of the U.K. fraud liability shift to financial institutions, that puts the onus for some types of fraudulent charges, maybe even those from APP fraud, on your business.

Financial institutions need to shore up their tools and tech to combat an onslaught of money mules coming their way especially if liability shifts occur.

In this eBook “Fight Fraud Fiercely with Mule Defense,” find out how to detect money mules from infiltrating your business and get expert insights on how to mitigate this risk.

Download the Report

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