Transform Today. Navigate Next. Q&A Session with NICE and Enlyte on CXone and Beyond
Available On Demand


Pauline Knudsen-Mulvey
VP, IT Digital Transformation at Enlyte

Laura Bassett
VP Product Marketing at NICE


Lauren Maschio
Senior Product Marketing Team Manager, NICE


Jane Cummins
Head of Strategy & Change, Direct Service, AIB

When it comes to migrating the contact center to the cloud, businesses have real concerns, even though they know the move is not a question of if, but when. Many wonder where they should start, or if they should make the transition all at once or gradually. Then there are concerns about the security of infrastructure and data. And of course, companies are right to question how the massive shift to the cloud will affect their bottom line—will the new features and agility translate to saved costs? Join the conversation on Thursday, December 1st at 11am EST, as we discuss transitioning to the cloud via NICE CXone with Pauline Knudsen-Mulvey, VP Digital Transformation at Enlyte, and Laura Bassett, VP Product Marketing at NICE.

Questions on the table include:

  • What are common concerns among businesses about migrating to the cloud?
  • How does the cloud’s scalability impact businesses?
  • How does the cloud work with hybrid or remote workforces?

Register for the On Demand Webinar

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